'A sad story of forgotten explorers in hostile and strange worlds.'Luigi De Aloisio 2016
A mini project of Interactive Storytelling based on WebGL technology. Generative algorithms are used for the creation of environments and the animations.
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Model 3D
The robots were designed in the Cinema 4d and exported in Collada format (DAE), with all separate parts.
The WebGL scenes are created with Three.js, the fog to the ground and the atmosphere are implemented with personal shaders.
The dynamic generator for the terrain, using different formulas with procedural noise (Perlin, Fractional Brownian Noise etc...), creating aliens landscapes. Animation
The body animations are mainly obtained from out of phase sinusoidal oscillators, attached to different parts of the model, adding a disturbance for the randomness.
Generative Terrain
Elevation maps and 3D landscapes